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In2Care Refill Sachet

$16.54 USD ($44.70 EC)

In2Mix Refill Sachet contains: bioactives, the powdered gauze, and two attractant tablets

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SKU: in2care-refill-sachet Category:

The In2Care Mosquito Trap is a novel tool to combat Aedes mosquitoes. This unique product takes advantage of the mosquito life cycle and breeding habits. Once inside, mosquitoes contact the specially treated gauze near the water surface and get contaminated with a larvicide and a fungus. We exploit the fact that Aedes like to divide their eggs over multiple sites; by letting them fly out of the trap whilst carrying larvicide on their legs. They transport the larvicide and contaminate several breeding sites around the trap. In this way, we can kill larvae in small and hard to find breeding sources. The mosquito also gets infected with an insect-specific fungus that can block Zika virus replication and kills her before she can spread disease.